Zercher squat
Underrated and underuse squat variations for improving strength. It is another way to perform a squat and still gives the same strength development compare to traditional back squat (high/low bar) or front squat. Commonly perform in combat athletes (MMA, BJJ, Boxing, Wrestling etc) or anyone that has issues on their shoulder mobility in the back squat position due to rounded or poor shoulder mobility. It’s easily perform in the squat movement as it doesn’t stress too much on your lower back.
Here are the 5 benefits
1. Build strong hips stability and mobility.
2. Strengthen your forearms and biceps
3. Create better posture
4. Stabilise your core and upper back
5. Increase strength on legs
How to set up:
1. Bend elbows 90 degrees, crook the bar keep your elbows and hands close to your chest.
2. Stand with your hip width apart with toes slightly point out.
How to execute the technique:
1. Shift your hips back and down, while lowering yourself and bend your knees at the same time.
2. Push your knees out and track in line with your toes.
3. Go down slow and control
4. Stop below knee parallel keep it tight at the bottom and drive up fast and hard.
Key points to take note:
1. Do not round your upper back
2. Do not lean too much forward
3. Always keep the bar up and close to your chest.
Quads, Glutes, adductors, core, upper back, forearms and biceps.
Athletes or anyone that has novice lifting background can consider zercher squat. Or give yourself a different exercise variety. Oh one more thing, remember to insert a soft padding on the barbell before you start squatting. Give it a try!!